Tom is an experienced professional photographer specializing in distinctive portraits and photography for the business world. Assignments have taken him to 50 states and to Europe, Asia and Australia.

His clients include, AT&T, BASF, Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Cisco, IBM, JAL, Merrill Lynch, The New York Times, People Magazine, Pfizer, TIME.

Since 2001, Tom has interviewed and photographed over 250 Veterans of WWII and the Korean War in order to collect their stories, honor their service, and learn from their experiences. Heroes All! has been exhibited in San Francisco City Hall, in St. Louis, Salt Lake City, Fort Knox and Louisville, Kentucky, at the Legion of Valor Museum, Manzanar National Historic Site, MIS Historic Learning Center, National Japanese American Historical Society, National Steinbeck Center.

After the Wars, 50 portraits of Nisei Veterans were exhibited at the Presidio of San Francisco from Veterans' Day 2009 to January 31, 2010. Tom's book, Twice Heroes: America's Nisei Veterans of WWII and Korea, contains 64 interviews with the veterans and 98 of their portraits, and is available at